Surveillance and Monitoring Solutions

Licenced, professional, and covert surveillance

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a wall of surveillance cameras looking down and to the viewer's left

Providing you with the information you need

From investigating dubious claims to checking on potential business partners, keeping an extra eye can prove to be invaluable. Our experienced and licensed team can help eliminate the indefinite and provide you with candid information to act.

Our skilled private investigators have performed countless surveillance operations and brought our clients peace of mind.

We use the latest technology to gain the most accurate results. Whether you need physical or digital intelligence, we tailor our approach and technique to suit our client’s case.

Licenced, discreet, and trusted surveillance services

Our team has decades of experience helping clients across Ontario with our award-winning surveillance services. We’ve supported businesses, law firms and individuals in acquiring the evidence and information they need to make the right decisions. Our services include:

  • Spousal or partner surveillance
  • Business and corporate surveillance
  • Workplace surveillance
  • Covert video surveillance
  • Premise surveillance
a picture of cameras with telescopic lenses

How can we help you?

Get in touch today by booking a free consultation to find out how our services can help you.

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