Due Diligence Investigations

Licenced and covert private investigation support

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Uncover the full picture with due diligence investigations

If you run a business or are planning on taking a high-ranking position, due diligence investigations can help you have a complete picture of a company.

Our licenced and skilled private investigators are here to empower you with the right information so you can make the best decision. We will work with you to determine the right methods and evidence you need and tailor our services to best suit the circumstances.

Empowering your decisions with expert due diligence support

Our team has over 25 years of experience helping clients across Ontario with our due diligence services. We’ve supported businesses, law firms and individuals to ensure they have the right information they need to act. Our services include:

  • Background checks
  • Business and corporate surveillance
  • Mystery shopping
  • Review public records
  • Premises surveillance
  • Legal due diligence investigations
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How can we help you?

Get in touch today by booking a free consultation to find out how our services can help you.

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