Low Light and Distance Solutions

Licenced and covert private investigation support

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hero image a blurry photo of a street in hamilton
picture of a van taken at night with night vision enhancement

Delivering video and photo evidence anytime, anywhere

Gathering evidence in low light or at night poses several challenges, from grainy footage to clearly identifying license plates or people. Our skilled private investigators use proprietary high-end night vision equipment created to overcome these conditions to deliver the evidence you need right away.

But we don’t stop there. With access to professionally designed camera equipment, we can also obtain high-quality video and photographs from more than 800 metres away. This allows us to achieve results faster by reducing investigation time from weeks to days or hours.

Low light and distance surveillance solutions

Our team has decades of experience helping clients across Ontario with our award-winning surveillance services. We’ve supported businesses, law firms and individuals in acquiring the evidence and information they need to make the right decisions. Our services include:

  • Spousal or partner surveillance
  • Business and corporate surveillance
  • Workplace surveillance
  • Covert video surveillance
  • Premises surveillance
image a park taken at night withough night vision enhancement, not much is visible due to a lack of light image of a park taken at night with night vision enhancement, everything in from can be seen

How can we help you?

Get in touch today by booking a free consultation to find out how our services can help you.

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